Friday, January 15, 2010

We See You Haiti and We Will Not Forget

I don't know why I didn't think of this 2 days ago; Wednesday morning when I saw the news of Haiti on my home page I immediately clicked to the links that led to the donation sites and chose Red Cross International to offer financial support. Yet, still, I felt like there was more I could do. All day thoughts of going down to Haiti to offer my services as a nurse ran through my head. Of course I couldn't do that with 2 kids at home and no second parent at home(Nathan's dad lives here, but it would not be feasible for him to take over care of Grace for me.). Then I briefly, but not seriously, played with the idea of taking Nathan and Grace with me. If Grace were older, maybe I would seriously consider it, but she's too young. In the meantime I've been sending them healing Reiki energy; but still, I wondered what else could I do?

Each day I asked Nate and Grace if they talked about it at school and each day the answer was no. So today I talked to Nathan about our connectedness to all people and living things. He's heard me talk about our interconnections many times, but I encouraged him to donate some of his saved money to Haiti this time. He did and then it hit me: I can encourage the readers of this blog to donate what they can. I can facilitate donations by posting links to helpful websites.

Maybe you've already donated. But I say, if you can, give a little more. Even five or ten dollars can make a difference. Maybe you are reading this a week or a month or 6 months after it happened; I'll bet they still need help. Just give what you can and then remember them again later when it's not all over the news and radio and computer home pages, and give again. Also remember that blood is a commodity that is always needed. Right now, the Red Cross is not asking for blood donors specifically for Haiti, but there is always a need. Especially for types O and B negative. If it's been awhile since you've donated blood or if you never have, now would be an excellent time to do it. Whatever we may be going through acting as a single-parent, for most of us, it does not begin to compare to what the Haitians are going through now and probably for years to come.

Here are 3 helpful links:

To borrow a phrase from James Cameron's Avatar (which I have not seen yet, but Nathan has and Grace and I will soon), we see you, people of Haiti.

Peace, love, and light to all of you.

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