Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thanking My Goddaughter

I'm feeling pretty haggard right now so I'll keep it extra short. (I need to start doing this in the daytime before my regular writing...)

There was a little snow storm today. Not much of anything for these parts, but it began right around 3:30pm, just in time to make rush-hour traffic pretty much a fixed situation. Jen works about 30-40 (?) miles from home so knew it would take her forever and a day to get her 3 year old and get her oldest, before 6pm when the clock starts to tick for late fees. Normally, on Thursdays I pick her daughter up from the latchkey at our school, but today I needed rush right after school in order to get my son and nephew to swimming; they had picture day before their normal practice before the meet.

After dropping them off I decided to grab Jen's oldest on the way home...I didn't make this short did I?...I wanted to let you in on why I had both girls...but does it matter? I'm too tired to really know.

So I ended up taking both girls to the swimming meet because Jen was still miles and miles (and miles and miles--now I'm singing The Who...oh, yeah--) away and still hadn't reached her youngest daughter by 5:30 and the meet started at 6. So there we were. And you know what? I think for the first time ever, my little ball of energy actually sat still for possibly the first 2o minutes of the meet to watch her brother and cousin swim! I give my goddaughter all the credit.

I don't know why I'm not using their least my kids...since Jen doesn't know about this site yet, I can't ask her how she'd feel if I used her kids' names...

Jen's daughter and my daughter are opposite in so many ways (much like Jen and me) yet they complement each other so well (much like Jen and me). Tonight was a perfect example: my goddaughter got my blooddaughter to sit calmly and really pay attention to the races. It was so significant. I let out a little thank you to the spirits both for letting me witness it and for giving me something to write about today. (Because if Joel were know it by now, right? It probably wouldn't have happened that way because the girls would have stayed home with him.)

One more day, one more benefit of being a single-parent. Thank you, Mac. Peace.

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