Thursday, January 14, 2010


Need I say more?

Well, if you are a single-parent and you have a child, dog, or cat that sometimes crawls into your bed at night, and they least it's not every night, right? And they're probably not as loud as your absent lover. Our son, our daughter, and our beagle all snore, occasionally. Our beagle is the loudest and snores the most...when Joel's not here. But most nights she's in Nathan's room and he sleeps right through it.

Always remembering the little things to be thankful for when life seems so overwhelming. (-;

1 comment:

  1. Chet has become worse and worse with snoring!! Not good! The other night he woke himself up from snoring. It was so funny! He sat up, looked around (like there was a loud bang or something) then laid back down, not realizing that he was even snoring at all - let alone enough to wake himself up!! I, of course, couldn't fall asleep, so saw it all. I was laughing so much I got a cramp!! LOL
