Friday, February 5, 2010


I've been hearing Leonard Cohen's music in my head all day today and all last night. When you are a single-parent, the simplest acts of kindeness mean so much more. Not that I wouldn't be thankful otherwise, and it's not that I'm any more aware, it's that it means so much more... Exactly what I already said. I know I'm basically expounding upon my blog from yesterday--but I must. I am so deeply grateful to those that have reached out to help. And the single word Hallelujah is what I keep hearing (in Leonard Cohen's melody). I'm repeating myself. Okay, so on with it.

Last night after the boys' swim meet (they are the silver division undefeated champions for the first time in the school's history whoo-hoo!), my mom asked what I was planning "to do with Grace" for the counties on Saturday (both Nate and Josh made it)--Of course I told her that she was coming with me and that we'd have lots of snacks and books and drawing supplies for her. It's an all day event in a hot pool area, not something Grace was ever excited about attending. I let her know that Jen had offered to possibly watch her, but that her youngest came home from school sick that day, and I had been planning on keeping Grace with me anyway. Well, mom said she had inadvertantly told my brother that she could babysit my neice that day, not realizing it was the day of counties and did I want her to take Grace, too? Hallelu--nope! Not yet. First I made sure she didn't want to see if someone else could watch my brother's daughter, she said no, it was an all day thing and that she'd already talked it over with Cheri who was going to keep her posted via her fancy phone so she may as well keep Grace, too. And Grace would have fun seeing her cousin whom she hasn't seen in ages...Okay, now: Hallelujah---Hallelujah...

My mom loves to be at every single one of her grandkids' events if she can help it, which was why I had planned on taking Grace (and Jen does SO MUCH for me...). Wow. My mom is helping not only me, but Gracie, too. She'll have a blast with her little cuz and I will likely have a much more enjoyable time without having to keep my six year old happy within the crowds of spectators for the county meet.

Then today Jen told me that she put this blog spot on the front page of our business website: She said she was trying to get a hold of me earlier in the week to ask me about it (but I fell off the face of the earth for a few days and didn't know she was calling). Finally she took the initiative and did it without my permission (Jen, you know me better than I know myself sometimes--you never have to ask for my permission.). I am so happy that she did. I just went to the soul sisters site and again, wow. What a beautiful friend. She wrote a wonderfully supportive paragraph updating those that know me from the yoga classes we taught and had been asking how I was doing. (I stopped teaching the classes in December so I wouldn't miss Nate's meets and to concentrate on the writing more.) I just love her so much. And I love all of you that are so caring and supportive in your thoughts of me. Thank you. I really appreciate it.


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